Can you describe your role, and how it has evolved as we seek to extend relationships across the firm?  What excites you about the role?

I am Chief Marketing Officer and Senior Client Portfolio Manager with MacKay Municipal Managers. My primary role is to lead our marketing and business development efforts with NYLIM US Retail while co-heading the MacKay Shields sub-advisory business.  Since joining MacKay nearly 13 years ago, the role has evolved and this channel has expanded significantly going from $1.2 billion to nearly $40 billion in AUM (as part of the broader MMM AUM of $74 billion).   We’ve also seen this channel evolve from a product perspective going from 4 fund offerings in 2011 to 23 fund offerings/mandates today. The team has been very successful in building a highly recognizable brand in the industry while establishing deep relationships with many top firms in the industry. 

The most important critical success factor has been representing a world class municipal investment team that not only delivers strong investment performance but also possesses a proactive business development mindset and strong passion to grow.

Tell us more about the Muni 360 podcast. What was the inspiration behind the podcast and how has it helped you connect with your prospects and clients? 

In partnership with NYLIM Marketing, the Muni360 podcast launched in January, 2022 was a natural extension to the website portal launched several years earlier.  MMM has always believed in being accessible and having a voice. Bringing the Muni 360 podcast series to our clients and prospects provides us yet another medium to provide timely insights and observations on a weekly basis.  The investment team has done a phenomenal job and the market has responded with enthusiasm as we have recently achieved more than 150,000 downloads since inception.

What has been one of the biggest lessons that you have learned over the course of your career?

Being proactive and visible with clients is easy when markets are calm or constructive.   However, in times of market turbulence and duress, you can’t overstate the importance of having a plan, being proactive and getting in front of it – calling your clients in volatile markets before they call you and delivering your message more broadly into the market is critical.  My experience is, clients will always remember these moments when they were guided during the challenging times which deepens and grows the long term relationship.

What are some of your favorite things to do when you’re not working?

By a wide margin, my favorite thing to do when I’m not working is to spend time with my family – my wife, Tracy, daughter Hailey (23), and son Chris (21).  My business travel can be heavy at times, plus we are empty-nesters now, so having all four of us together has become extremely valuable and they are my favorite moments.

I’m also a fitness enthusiast and carve out the early morning to get the body moving whether it’s the gym, cycling, or running.  Doing this when most of the world is still sleeping energizes me and I feel better 100% of the time once I get to the office or my first meeting.

I am also into creating my own art and have done so on and off for years.  For a long time, it was mostly watercolor and now I’ve recently made the shift to acrylic painting.  I’m currently working on a piece for my daughter, another piece for my son is on deck, and I have other family members that have my paintings hanging in their homes.

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