Can you talk about your career journey and choosing investment management at MacKay?

I started my career as an IT Consultant but after 5+ years of traveling and working on various IT projects I decided to explore a career change. I enrolled at a business school not knowing what path I would be taking, but found myself really interested in corporate finance and accounting. Post-graduation I worked at an investment bank that unfortunately went belly-up in 2008. However, I was fortunate to escape the aftermath and have worked a variety of research roles since investing in high-yield and leveraged loans. I collaborated with MacKay on a consent that got me talking to some of the folks here and the rest is history. I joined MacKay late in 2021. What drew me to the team in particular was the well-defined research process, and the collaborative and collegial team culture, which is a rarity in our industry.

Tell us something about yourself that most people at MacKay would not know about you.

I “almost” started a tea subscription business with my roommate from business school. I love all things tea and if you ever need a tea break you know where to find me. 


What is one piece of advice you’ve gotten in your career that you wish to share? 

Don’t think of your career as a straight line. Think of each step as a brick in the wall that you are building. Enjoy every step and fill in your skills as you continue to build your career wall. You’ll have a lot more insight and experience if you take on new things, projects and roles that may fall outside the straight line you envisioned. It’s the journey that matters. 


What is your favorite thing to do outside of work? 

Outside of work my favorite thing is spending time with my husband, and my kids. When we have the time to get away, we enjoy walks at the bird sanctuary in Cape May where the kids love scouting for rocks and shells for their collections. 

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