What inspired you to create the diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) artwork displayed on MacKay’s newly launched external website? How do you think your art embodies MacKay’s commitment to our DEI initiatives?
When I saw MacKay was hosting a DEI art competition on the Intranet, I figured it would be a great opportunity to show a side of myself that perhaps many did not know existed. Creating the piece was most certainly a challenge, as this is by far the largest piece I’ve ever done, but it was also a lot of fun. As for my inspiration, I just had to look around. The piece truly represents the unique and diverse makeup of the firm. The “face” is comprised of the entire DEI mission statement and what we stand for. But if you take a few steps back and look at the whole piece, you see that that mission cannot be achieved without all the pieces to the puzzle – the people of MacKay.

As part of the Enterprise Business Services team, what is your role and how has the team evolved over the nearly 8 years you’ve been with the firm? What trends do you see going forward?
I’ve actually been in three groups during my tenure here at the firm, most recently Account Services, which I joined in December. Essentially we are the intermediary between Client Service and the Investment teams and facilitate the operational setup of new accounts. One constant theme has undoubtedly been – change. EBS has certainly redefined itself over the last couple of years and it has been exciting to be part of its evolution. There has been a consistent push for innovation, including finding the right tools and technology to be able to produce a higher level of service to all.

Tell us about a project you are excited about working on and how does it support MacKay’s strategic initiatives?
I’ve recently been part of the onboarding of a new project management application – TaskRay. This application is being driven by the Client/Fund Services teams. It is a tool that will help better organize the onboarding process among the several groups. However, the uses of the application are truly endless and it has been intriguing to see how one product can be adapted to different groups and situations. 

What is one piece of advice you’ve gotten in your career that you wish to share?
One piece of advice I have heard often throughout my career, though admittedly only recently took to heart, is to be your own advocate. You really need to take the initiative to communicate your needs and wants to others so that you can pave your own path forward. No one is going to do it for you.

Can you tell us more about your involvement with the Ukrainian American Youth Association? What has been your favorite experience with the organization?  
Growing up my parents always instilled the importance of embracing our Ukrainian roots. Being part of the U.A.Y.A was just one way they introduced my sister and I to the rich history and traditions of the culture. Eventually over time my role within the organization has changed, but I still remain fairly active. Especially now with the war in Ukraine and still having family there, it has been extremely rewarding to continue to be a part of the local Ukrainian community and being able to assist where needed - whether it’s helping organize supply drives for refugees, making pierogis for the annual festival they have, or just simply teaching the youth the same traditions and values I was taught so many years ago. 

What is your favorite thing to do outside of work?
Outside of work I really enjoy cooking and baking. I find it is a great way to unwind, explore different cultures and try new things. I’m always on the hunt for a new recipe.

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