We’re excited to have you and the Emerging Markets Debt (EMD) team onboard!  Since joining what is the one thing that surprised you about working at MacKay? I am excited to be here! I’d say genuine and effective collaboration. I was apprehensive before joining MacKay Shields because we are not based in the US headquarters. However, the level of support, exchange of ideas, and teamwork on projects I have experienced so far has been outstanding. Collaboration can be a corporate buzzword nowadays but MacKay does it authentically. MacKay walks the walk without talking about it much!

Tell us about your team’s biggest goals for the upcoming years. How can others within MacKay help to support those goals? We have three goals, one for clients, one for MacKay and one for the team. Firstly, we strive to deliver the best solutions and servicing to our clients. EMD is a diverse universe covering several sub asset classes, around 80 countries and hundreds of corporates so there are enough “ingredients” to enable us to work with clients to address their specific goals. Secondly, we are privileged to join the MacKay family as part of the UK and Europe team. Last but not least, we have a team of experienced and knowledge EMD experts whose innovative ideas, collaboration and dedication to clients are align with MacKay’s values such as patience and humility, to make it a rewarding journey for us all.

What led you to this career? I was born and grew up in China, the largest Emerging Market. I have always been fascinated with the imperfections, quirkiness, potential and capabilities of emerging markets. For my Master’s degree I studied Economics for Development at University of Oxford, which provided me with the technical skills to bring modern economic analysis to emerging market development. Therefore, choosing EMD as a career was only natural, which has enabled me to continue to study emerging markets, and help emerging markets emerge. The best part is, when you do what you love, you never work a day.

What energizes you outside of work? Hiking in nature, making my children laughs, spending quality time with my husband, helping people, and shopping in outlet malls…

What is one of your favorite places to travel, and what do you enjoy most about that destination? Scotland, for its diverse and unspoilt beauty. It has majestic mountains, pristine beaches, mysterious moors and magical lochs. But what I love most is its ruggedness, which I find both exciting and calming. In Scotland there is a law that allows wild camping across the entire country, which makes it amazing for hiking and unwinding. It is also great for road trips. I’d recommend the Route NC500 (north coast 500), Scotland’s answer to the Route 66.

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