How do investors allocate in a late cycle tight spread market environment? Explore how we seek to take advantage of the whole fixed income toolkit, using multiple diversified sources of return to create the flexibility to respond to changing opportunities.


Buying Opportunities at a Discount

Uncover the often-overlooked chance to buy bonds at a discount, a compelling strategy with significant capital appreciation potential.

Watch the video to learn more!

Securitization offers fertile ground for income seekers

Delve into the complex world of securitized credit. Despite its challenges, this sector offers what we believe are unique income opportunities and portfolio benefits.

Watch the video to learn more!


Download the latest report on Multi-Sector Investing.


Asset Allocation for Total Return

We’ve reached the turn in the interest rate cycle, but we’re also seeing high levels of market and geopolitical uncertainty. How should investors think about asset allocation in this environment, and how can they build resilience into their portfolio?

Watch the video to learn more!

Securing Income in Taxable Municipal Bonds 

Consider taxable municipal bonds for potentially stable yields up to 30 years, offering improved credit quality compared to high-yield and investment-grade corporate credit.

Watch the video to learn more!



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