(NEW!) Macro Pulse offers holistic global economic, geopolitical, and asset allocation views. We start with where we are in the economic cycle, dive deeper into long-term themes, and then provide our top investment ideas.

Macro Pulse: Walking the tightrope

Updated June 2024 

The past six months have marked a soft landing in the United States, where steady disinflation, still-strong economic activity, and the promise of Fed rate cuts have sent risk asset valuations higher. The question now is whether this can continue.

We believe this summer marks a major inflection point for global asset allocation. Will U.S. growth slow, allowing rates to decline and global growth to converge? Or is it re-firming, increasing the likelihood of a more pronounced credit cycle?

Hear from the team


  • Lauren Goodwin, CFA, Chief Market Strategist, New York Life Investments
  • Julia Hermann, Global Market Strategist, New York Life Investments 
  • Michael LoGalbo, CFA, Global Market Strategist, New York Life Investments 

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Coming in April > 

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