Macro Pulse offers holistic global economic, geopolitical, and asset allocation views. We start with where we are in the economic cycle, dive deeper into long-term themes, and then provide our top investment ideas.

Choosing Action Over Distraction

Updated MARCH 2025

Amid rampant global policy uncertainty, it can be difficult for investors to be forward-looking. It’s true that a slower interest rate transition – at least in the United States – volatility, and high valuations create challenges for investment strategy. But let’s focus on the through lines. Global interest rates are moving lower, spurring activity and credit growth in public and private markets. A changing global economic landscape is promoting capital-intensive investment across asset classes and geographies. Taken at face value, this is an environment that is highly constructive for investor opportunity but may require significant portfolio change.

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It’s a pivotal moment for portfolios; as markets react to rampant policy uncertainty and lowering global interest rates, so must investors.

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