Long-Lasting Focus
We’re about more than good quarters. We're about good quarter centuries. It’s our long-lasting focus that helps clients reach long-term goals.
Domain Expertise
Diverse thinking. Unique perspectives. Deep experience. Our multi-boutique approach enables us to invest with foresight and conviction.
Relationship Driven
It’s a simple truth. When you truly understand and listen to your clients, the better you can serve them. That’s how we form trusted relationships.
Our Business
As a full service, global asset manager, we offer solutions across asset classes to generate meaningful outcomes and competitive performance.
Our History
Our parent company New York Life Insurance Company, has successfully navigated economic and market cycles for over 175 years.
Our Leaders and Portfolio Managers
Thought leaders and proven managers, we are an experienced, global team focused on consistently delivering for our clients.
Our Difference
More than investing. Invested. Consistently delivering value beyond investment performance. Ultimately, client success is about trust. Not transactions.
Who We Serve
We seek to build solutions and strategies that help meet the needs and investment objectives of clients from public and private institutions to individual financial advisors and investors.
* Assets under management (AUM) includes assets of the investment advisers that make up “New York Life Investments” as of 12/31/2024. AUM includes certain assets, such as non-discretionary AUM, external fund selection, and overlay services, including ESG screening services, advisory consulting services, white labeling services, and model portfolio delivery services, that are not necessarily considered Regulatory Assets Under Management according to the SEC’s Form ADV. AUM is reported in USD. AUM not denominated in USD is converted at the spot rate as of 9/30/2024. The total AUM figure of “New York Life Investments” is less than the sum of the AUM of each affiliated investment adviser in the group because it does not count AUM where the same assets can be counted by more than one affiliated investment adviser.