About NYL Investors
About NYL Investors
A Leading Asset Manager with More Than 175 Years’ Expertise1
For more than a century, NYL Investors has managed a comprehensive investment program for New York Life, the largest mutual life insurance company in the U.S.2 Today, our team manages $317 billion across fixed income, real estate and private placements for the NYL General Account and like-minded 3rd party investors around the globe. Headquartered in New York City with offices in Atlanta, Chicago, Dallas, San Francisco, and London, we offer our strategic, third-party partners opportunities to invest alongside us across a diverse set of public and private asset classes.
We aim to build long-lasting relationships based on our partnership approach and strong investment discipline across our three investment groups, Fixed Income Investors, Private Capital Investors, and Real Estate Investors. We’ve been doing this through all major market and economic cycles since the company started managing investments over 175 years ago.1
Our Business
NYL Investors is a wholly owned subsidiary of New York Life Insurance Company (“New York Life”). Founded in 1845, New York Life is a Fortune 500 company2 and holds the highest ratings for financial strength currently awarded to any life insurance company in the United States.3
NYL Investors - Total AUM: $317 Billion
Assets Under Management as of 12/31/20244
We set ourselves apart from the competition by providing the following for our investment partners:
Strategic partnership
We develop long-term relationships with like-minded third-party partners.
We offer opportunities to invest alongside New York Life in public and private asset classes which can potentially provide alternative opportunities for yield, enhance returns and provide diversification benefits.5
Long-term orientation
We apply a long-term focus to the management of our third-party partners’ assets.
We provide a consistent, proven investment process and always seek to understand investment risks and opportunities.
1. Prior to the formation of NYL Investors LLC, in October 2013 it operated as an investment division of New York Life Investment management, LLC which is an affiliated investment advisor that commenced operations in April 2000. Previously, the investment groups of NYL Investors LLC operated within New York Life Insurance Company (New York Life) managing investment program for New York Life’s General Account.
2. Based on revenue as reported by “Fortune 500 ranked within Industries, Insurance: Life, Health (Mutual),” Fortune magazine, 6/5/23. For methodology, please see https://fortune.com/franchise-list-page/fortune-500-methodology-2023/.
3. The “highest ratings currently awarded” refers to the highest ratings currently awarded to any U.S. life insurer, specifically: AM Best A++ (as of 2/9/2024), Fitch Ratings AAA (as of 10/6/2023), Moody’s Aaa (as of 11/17/2023), and Standard & Poor’s AA+ (as of 8/10/2023). Source: third-party reports. Learn more: https://www.newyorklife.com/about/our-strength/what-rating-agencies-say.
4. Fixed Income Investors, Private Capital Investors, and Real Estate Investors are all investment groups within NYL Investors LLC ("NYL Investors"). Assets Under Management represent the combined assets under management of NYL Investors. The total AUM of $316.8B is made up of the following asset basis: STV: $292.6B; MV: $20.7B; Cost + Unfunded Comm: $3.5B.
5. Refers to Fixed Income Investors, Private Capital Investors, and Real Estate Investors. Past performance is not indicative of future results. There is no guarantee that investment objectives will be achieved.
Senior Leadership
Senior Leadership
Meet the senior leaders who lead our experienced teams of fixed income, private capital and real estate experts.
Anthony is Executive Vice President and Chief Investment Officer of New York Life Insurance Company. He is also responsible for the teams which principally manage New York Life's general account portfolio that include Fixed Income Investors, Private Capital Investors and Real Estate Investors. He is a member of New York Life’s Executive Management Committee and serves on its Risk Steering Committee.
Anthony joined the firm in 1999. He has held various positions of increasing responsibilities at the firm, including Senior Managing Director and Head of Fixed Income. He also served as Managing Director and Head of Fixed Leveraged Finance. Previously, he achieved positions of increasing responsibility in lending, risk management, and debt capital markets with J.P. Morgan, Toronto-Dominion, and First Chicago.
Anthony earned a B.A. in English and Economics from Middlebury College and an M.B.A. in Finance from the Stern School of Business of New York University.
Craig Sabal
Senior Managing Director, Deputy Chief Investment Officer and Head of Fixed Income Investors
Colleen Cooney
Senior Managing Director, Head of Private Capital Investors
Mark Talgo
Senior Managing Director, Head of Real Estate Investors
Joel Albarella
Senior Vice President, Head of New York Life Ventures
Martin King
Managing Director, Head of Public Credit Research
Linda Kraus
Managing Director, Head of Investment Services
Dinesh Nair
Managing Director, Chief Financial Officer
Ryan Fox
Managing Director, Head of Responsible Investing
Responsible Investing
Responsible Investing
In 2020, we became a signatory of the United Nations-supported Principles for Responsible Investment (“PRI”) and published our Policy Statement on Responsible Investing. We incorporate ESG factors into our investment process and support PRI’s aspirational set of investment principles as follows:
- We will incorporate ESG issues into investment analysis and decision-making processes.
- We will be active owners and incorporate ESG issues into our ownership policies and practices.
- We will seek appropriate disclosure on ESG issues by the entities in which we invest.
- We will promote acceptance and implementation of the Principles within the investment industry.
- We will work together to enhance our effective in implementing the Principles.
- We will report on our activities and progress toward implementing the Principles.
Contact NYL Investors
Contact NYL Investors
Contact a representative from NYL Investors and start a long-term relationship with a leader in fixed income, private capital and real estate.
NYL Investors
51 Madison Avenue, 2nd Floor
New York, New York, 10010
Todd Minichino
Senior Director
Tel: 1-212-576-7915
Megan Protas
Senior Director
Tel: 1-212-576-7244
2024 NYL Investors LLC. All rights reserved. Corporate Headquarters: 51 Madison Avenue, New York, New York 10010.
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