Smart insights drive stronger portfolios

We leverage proprietary research and collaborate with investment teams across New York Life Investments to offer timely answers to the questions facing investors today in key areas:



Macro Pulse

Get the latest global, economic, geopolitical, and asset allocation views



Global policy uncertainty, evolving yield curve dynamics, and a shifting balance of economic risks are giving investors plenty to consider. In the latest Macro Pulse outlook, NYLI’s Global Market Strategy team highlights areas where opportunities are emerging – including in a more balanced global allocation, updated diversification within U.S. equities and credit markets, and private assets as long-term portfolio anchors.



From the Desk: Shifting Risks; Not Yet Shifting Reality


Are Changes in Europe a Game Changer for Investments?

Host Lauren Goodwin is joined by Emile Gagna, Deputy Head of Economic Research at Candriam, to discuss the latest policy announcements in Europe and the economic outlook.

Growth Fears Hitting U.S. Markets

The GDP Nowcast model from the Atlanta Fed is a live tracker of GDP growth. The impact of tariffs is now visible, showing a significant shift from 2.3% growth to a 2.8% contraction. 




Understand the geopolitical landscape to inform asset allocation

Key investor questions:

  • How to account for geopolitical risk?
  • How will the new policy create winners and losers? 
  • 2025 Swan Lake: What are the risks that would most disrupt consensus in 2025


Podcast: Searching for Black Swans




Make the future state tangible for investing today

2024 | Artificial Intelligence From Imagination to Investment

Investors have not missed the boat on the promise AI has to offer; in fact, investors have the chance to build the boat.

A diagram illustrating the progression of AI adoption along an S-curve, delineating phases such as research, finance, productivity, and new frontiers.


Podcast: AI: The Next Investment Megatrend


2023 | (re)globalization

Megatrends 2023: (re)globalization

Anticipating the future state of global economics and geopolitics requires more than an extrapolation of current trends.

Why the world is headed for (re)globalization

Hear from Chief Market Strategist Lauren Goodwin on how seismic economic shifts may afford new investment opportunities.



Private Markets

Capitalize on the shifting (and growing) global private markets landscape

Key investor questions:

  • What are the key cyclical and structural changes in private markets that present generational opportunities for investors?
  • How are liquidity conditions improving in private markets, and what impact does this have on investment opportunities?
  • What is the growing importance of the lower middle market in private investments, and how can investors benefit from this trend?
  • What are the potential benefits of allocating to private equity, private credit, real estate, and real assets?

Prospective investors should be aware that investments in private funds or alternative investment strategies are suitable only for qualified investors who do not require liquidity and who can bear the economic risk, including the potential for a complete loss, of their investment. Investors are encouraged to consult their tax or legal advisors before making such investments.


Podcast: Our Latest Take on the Private Markets



About Global Market Strategy 

Our team of market strategists connects macroeconomics to asset allocation. We provide actionable insight into market-driving events, structural themes, and portfolio construction to empower investment decision-making.


Lauren Goodwin, CFA
Chief Market Strategist

Julia Hermann, CFA
Global Market Strategist

Michael LoGalbo, CFA
Global Market Strategist


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