Candriam seeks to construct thematic portfolios centered around value-creating macro trends, designed to potentially enhance investors’ asset allocations and returns.
Candriam’s Thematic Investing team believes:
- Long-term trends create value: Thematic portfolios can increase exposure to a particular theme or trend, allowing investors to increase their allocation to powerful value-creating trends, and to trends which concern them individually
- The right definition: Thematic strategies can offer specific and granular investments to enhance asset allocations with a “core-satellite” approach, going beyond sectors to pursue opportunities across traditional or index sector definitions
- Increased return potential: Adding a concentrated thematic portfolio to a broader portfolio could offer enhanced returns
Candriam believes that climate change is an unprecedented crisis, which also presents a multi-decade investment opportunity to join corporations in their response to environmental challenges. Through their disciplined analytical process which integrates climate change solution providers via a positive, active and forward-looking approach, the team seeks to create a diversified, quality growth portfolio of structural winners with the aim to significantly outperform over an economic cycle.
Investing in future leaders taking action against climate change
Multi-specialist asset manager
Multi-specialist asset manager focused on fixed income, equity, thematic investing, absolute return strategies, sustainable investments, and asset allocation as well as tailored solutions and advanced liability-driven investing for pension funds and insurers.
Rudi Van Den Eynde
Head of Thematic Global Equity Management
Koen Popleu
Senior Fund Manager
Monika Kumar
Thematic Global Equity Analyst and Fund Manager