5 Tax Tips for Investors

We created a guide designed to help you consult with clients on tax-efficient investing strategies.

Use this guide to help your clients:

  • Understand the significant impact taxes can have on their investment returns
  • Visualize how tax-advantaged accounts can maximize investment growth
  • Leverage tax-loss harvesting to offset gains and use charitable donations for tax savings


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More Tax-Efficient Investing Resources


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Tax Loss

No one likes losing money. Show your clients how they can use losses to reduce taxes with tax-loss harvesting.




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The Power of Tax-Equivalent

Use our chart to show your clients the equivalent taxable yield required to match the benefits of tax-exempt bonds.




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At New York Life Investments, we believe in the power of people and are part of a company that has held this belief for over 175 years. While trends come and go, we’ve seen that when guidance, advice, and partnership converge— something truly special happens.