Morningstar Tools

Scan the universe of products, build and analyze portfolios, or simply compare our funds. 


Neither New York Life Insurance Company nor its subsidiaries or employees provide tax or legal advice.  Please consult your professional advisor for tax or legal advice.  

These tools are intended for use by financial advisors and investment professionals. 

These tools and any related output, or reports are intended for general information and educational purposes only. These do not constitute specific investment advice, and are not intended as,  and should not be relied upon as an offer or recommendation with respect to the purchase or sale of any security referenced. In addition, these tools do not consider the specific investment objectives, tax and financial situation and particular needs of any specific person. When considering an investment, please keep your clients' investment objectives and risk tolerance in mind. New York Life Investments nor any of its affiliates provide legal or tax advice.

These tools should only be used in accordance with any specifications,  or any limitations set forth under your Firm's, registered Broker Dealer, applicable compliance policies and procedures, including the ultimate use of any reports, the "Reports," generated by these tools.