Real Estate Investors
Real Estate

Direct Equity

Direct Equity

At Real Estate Investors, our objective is simple: generate superior long-term investment results for our clients. Through REI’s experienced equity team, we invest in markets throughout the United States across all major property types and across the risk/return spectrum. Our disciplined and cycle-tested investment approach is driven by market research, active asset management, and proactive risk management to ensure that we make optimal investment decisions and invest and manage our clients’ capital prudently.

Our Resources

Our “one stop shop” structure means we have deep resources to manage our equity investments.


Our geographically specialized acquisitions professionals leverage REI’s wide range of industry relationships, market reputation, and their own local market knowledge to meet client needs, targeting $1.5-$2 billion in acquisitions per year. REI is committed to the ongoing incorporation of ESG+R  into our investment decision making process from acquisition to disposition.

Asset Management
Our asset managers take a hands-on approach to property operations, proactive risk management, and the strategic use of capital to maximize cash flow, create value, and capitalize on attractive trading opportunities. By adhering to our ESG+R objectives, we seek to deliver high-quality products and services to our clients and tenants.

Portfolio Management

By combining top-down, research-based strategies with bottom-up market knowledge, our portfolio managers construct and manage diversified portfolios that seek to reduce risk, provide stability, and generate income.

Support Services
Our team of in-house engineers, architects, construction and sustainability specialists, and appraisers work with our Acquisition and Asset Management teams to manage the physical due diligence process, maintain our buildings in a cost effective manner, and ensure well-informed, in-house and external valuations. Additionally, REI’s dedicated market research team provides valuable macro and micro level market insights and updates on changing market conditions, providing our team with well-informed investment decisions.

Investment Guidelines

Property Types

  • Office (Single and Multi-Tenant)
  • Industrial
  • Retail
  • Multi-family
  • Medical Office
  • Cold Storage


Primary and secondary U.S. markets (tertiary markets on a select basis)

Investment Size

Generally, $30-$250 million (total capitalization)

Risk Profile

  • Core
  • Core-Plus
  • Value-Add
  • Opportunistic

Ownership Structures

  • 100% all cash
  • Leveraged joint ventures (value-add and development)
  • Preferred equity and recapitalizations

Investment Strategies

  • Existing assets
  • Value-add repositioning
  • Adaptive re-use
  • Re-development
  • Ground-up development (Entitlement risk may be considered)
  • Rescue capital
  • Portfolio acquisitions
  • Net leases
  • Ground leases



Recent Representative Equity Transactions¹

Apex Newbury

Pittsburgh, PA


$21M Acquisition

Development Strategy

Romulus Trade Center

Detroit, MI


$132M Acquisition

Development Strategy

410 Townsend

San Francisco, CA


$23.5M Acquisition

Value-Add Strategy

Lee Highway

Merrifield, VA

Medical Office

$35.5M Acquisition

Core-Plus Strategy

Country Place

Burtonsville, MD


$63M Acquisition

Core-Plus Strategy

Project Speedway

Greensville, SC


$18M Acquisition

Development Strategy

* The representative transactions are not based on performance but rather were selected to demonstrate diversity by property type and geography.

Interested in Investing with Us?

We offer a variety of investment vehicles for investors to take advantage of our investment capabilities and opportunities. 

*There is no guarantee that investment objectives will be achieved.

There are risks associated with investments in real estate and/or real estate related products. For further information regarding these risks, please contact one of our real estate professionals.

Investment objectives may not be met as the underlying investment options are subject to market risk and fluctuate in value. Please keep in mind that there are fees and expenses associated with investing in managed accounts. Accordingly, you can lose money investing in a separately managed account.